Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Cliché: leave no stone unturned

(entered for 03.21.06)

Meaning: consider every resource. Meaning and uses.
Rewrite 1: leave no leaf unturned
Rewrite 2: keep looking, though you’ve consulted every stone
Rewrite 3: consult every
spacen3 and crevice
Rewrite 4: search till you’ve illuminated even every dark place

Comment: This is as much about exhausting every resource as it is about not giving up.

More reading about clichés
What I found when I
googled “clichés”:
Australian Media Clichés: “This page is devoted to those expressions so hackneyed and insufferable that they should be forever banned from the nation's news reports.”

Note: By providing links to other websites I am only showing you what is out there about clichés – I am not endorsing any content or opinion expressed there.

Check out the searchable
alphabetical list of all my cliché rewrites available in the archive list at the right.

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