Friday, February 24, 2006

Cliché: rattle your cage

Meaning: make you upset or unnerve you
Rewrite 1: shake your bed
Rewrite 2:
ruffle1a your hair
Rewrite 3: light a firecracker under your chair
Rewrite 4:
spooktv2 you through your widow at night

Comment: Here I’m emphasizing irritating behavior. “Tickle you silly” might work, too.

More reading about clichés
What I found when I
googled “clichés”:
Clichés: “Clichés wanna play a game?”

Note: By providing links to other websites I am only showing you what is out there about clichés – I am not endorsing any content or opinion expressed there.

Check out the new
alphabetical list of all my cliché rewrites available in the archive list at the right. To search the page using Internet Explorer, just go to “Edit” in the top menu bar, select “Find”, then enter the cliché or a word from it.

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